We needed to identify the missing link in the tampon industry.
Introducing Taylor: a customized subscription-based service for biodegradable tampons. Recognizing the diversity of both the fluidity of gender and sexuality in a fem-care industry, Taylor is taking the taboo out of tampons. Period.
The legs of this brand are primarily online (YouTube, Instagram, TikTok) where our audience is engaged, but may feel overwhelmed with the array of choices on their drugstore shelves. This online pre-roll series is an example and opportunity to connect and gain trust, while the online subscription program offers anonymity for young menstruators.
Thesis project.
Art Direction: Megan Brown
The Tampon Diaries are Taylor’s unique way to showcase the testimonials of menstruators and their “tampon horror stories” in an effort to humanize the period woes all menstruators can relate to.